IITD Discussion forum

The CSC is happy to announce the release of the IITD Discussion forum for use by all faculty, students and staff. The Discussion forum is available at https://forums.iitd.ac.in . The system is fully integrated with the IITD LDAP and Kerberos systems. The forum creation request can be sent by the users to the administrators of Web Group of CSC. In the case of student bodies and clubs only the elected office bearers and class reps can request for students forums. The requisition form for forum creation is provided in a link available after logging in to the Discussion forum. For all the forums by default the initiator of the group is the moderator unless otherwise requested by the user. Apart from this the user while filling the request for creating a new forum, can also specify whether it is a closed or open forum. Only research interest groups with a faculty moderator and special faculty only groups can be closed. Once the forum is formed the members in that forum can initiate various discussion links. The moderator of the group will be responsible for any kind of abuses used in any discussion links.